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Opcenter APS (formerly Preactor APS) and Marshal SFDC can be utilised in almost any manufacturing environment.

Our customers come from a range of industries such as:

An example item that has been precision engineered
     Precision Engineering
Illustration of the aerospace and automotive industry
Aerospace and Automotive
A battery and it's plug is a key component to many electrical items
A shopping basket is often used when purchasing fast moving consumer goods
Fast Moving Consumer Goods
Raw material processing plant and worker
  Raw Material Processing
Illustrates the medical and pharmaceutical industries
  Medical and Pharmaceutical

“Preactor allows us to understand what the likely future problems are and mitigate against them before they happen, which means we can have a steadier flow of production through our factory and for our installation teams.”

Phil Goy, Director, Allied Glazing Systems

Learn how Allied Glazing worked with RMS to improve their planning and scheduling here.